
The US transportation system is not designed for the fringe.

The US transportation system is not designed for the fringe.

The US transportation system falls short for the elderly. Understanding why can make it better.

BrainDance: Exploring Parkinson's with Dance.

BrainDance: Exploring Parkinson's with Dance.

BrainDance is a collaborative project bringing together dance choreographers, neuroscientists, physicians, philosophers and people with Parkinson's disease to explore movement.

Aging in place.

Aging in place.

As your parents and loved ones grow older you start to notice subtle differences in the way they live their lives. These modifications generally come after something has happened.

Caregiver resources: Use Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest to help with caregiving

Caregiver resources: Use Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest to help with caregiving

Suggestions for using social media, and the web, to help with caregiving.

The Longest Day.

The Longest Day.

On the Longest Day, the Alzheimer's Association asks those who are affected by Alzheimer's create fundraising teams to support favorite activities. To honor of the Longest Day events AlzLive created a collection of caregiver stories by those who like to write. I wrote a story for the series.

Caregiving: Who is doing it right?

Caregiving: Who is doing it right?

In a recent conversation I was asked about caregivers who are kicking ass at caregiving. There are many examples of caregiving done right.

Thank you for attending Fringe Design: Tackling Disability and Death

Thank you for attending Fringe Design: Tackling Disability and Death

A summary of Fringe Design: Tackling Disability and Death at SXSW (with Evan Carroll).