As a culture enthusiast this is, by far, my most prolific category. You'll find videos, graphics and essays that I hope will spark discourse.
A few recommended articles:
- Your "midlife crisis" is bullshit.
- Don't call me and American and the follow-up, If you're not calling me an American, what do you call me?
- The importance of a work sabbatical.
- Monday through Friday in the office doesn't work anymore.
- To learn here, you must play a musical instrument.
- Technology + your role in transforming our culture.
The 30 most recent articles are:
The presentation and my notes from my portion of the presentation at South by Southwest (SXSW). My perspective was mostly focused on the utilitarian purpose fo 3D printed food -- particularly for those with Swallowing Disorders (Dysphagia).
A tiny home could make it easier for my mom to age near us (or for us to live near her).
The US transportation system falls short for the elderly. Understanding why can make it better.
Karen Ingram and I wrote an article for SXSW V2V about Exploring Possibilities with Social Entrepreneurship. Here's the inspiration behind the article.
The NEA focuses an entire issue on the arts and accessibility to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. *Swoon*
Stephanie Thomas is cur8able, curating clothing and lifestyle products that are accessible /smart/ stylish for people with disabilities.
A video game, Forget-Me-Knot, helps people understand what it is like to have Alzheimer's.
Despite multiple setbacks, Frida Kahlo did not live in the world of the disenfranchised. She lived as a goddess whose entire being is a work of art.
The dying process is messy. It’s hard on everyone. It’s confusing. It’s painful. It’s the beginning of your grief. Talking about it early will help the survivors cope.
As your parents and loved ones grow older you start to notice subtle differences in the way they live their lives. These modifications generally come after something has happened.
Crisis Mappers Network, a large, active, international community of experts, practitioners, policymakers, technologists, researchers, journalists, scholars, hackers and skilled volunteers who are using technology, crowd-sourcing and crisis mapping to answer our humanitarian needs.
Through telepresence and a Segway-like robot, Beam helps those with disabilities see the world.
Personal experience helped a Boy Scout create a wearable to prevent Alzheimer's patients from wandering.
Peter and Peregrine are advocating for children and engineers to work together to create solutions.
Lisa Russell speaking about creating empowering film narratives. No more sad documentaries!
Neil Brandvold speaking on conflict journalism and what it's like to be a witness to culture changing moments.
I conducted a Workshop on Designing for the Fringe. Here are the ideas we brainstormed at this amazing conference.
At SwitchPoint I learned about RISC, Reporters Instructed in Saving Colleagues. RISC provides essential training for reporters in conflict areas.
Discussing Designing for the Fringe on the 3D LILA Podcast.