Social media is about conversation. Many people spend so much time promoting ourselves and things we are interested in that we forget the conversation part.
I use a browser plugin so I can easily share articles around the web when I read them. When sharing content from my own site, the default text was always the article title and my name, Virginia Carter Ingram.
Sites like Medium include the author's handle in their default Twitter share button so authors can easily have conversations with the people who are sharing their articles.
The default shared text on Medium includes the author's Twitter handle.
I love, love, love this.
I frequently converse with authors of articles I like because of this feature.
Every time I used my browser plugin to share an article from my site I would get annoyed the default text said Virginia Carter Ingram instead of my Twitter handle, @gingin.
Default sharing text for prior to 6/18/2014.
I started writing a feature request to SquareSpace, and then I realized where I could go to make a hack-like change. In settings, under basic changes you can chance the site title/tagline to include your Twitter handle.
You can change the default information for an article in the Settings/Basic Information section of SquareSpace CMS.
And here is a screenshot of my new default text.
New default text.
Yay! My Twitter handle is now a part of the suggested default text that comes up when you share an article!
I left Virginia Ingram in the default text so search engines would still prioritize this information. In an ideal world I wouldn't have to hack it. SquareSpace would include it as an option. (hint, hint SquareSpace...)